Центры в Москве:
1) "Красносельский"       +7 (929) 542-90-50
2) ЖК "Лучи"       +7 (929) 522-05-05

Центры в Ташкенте:

"Луначарский"       +998 (93) 175-11-11

About us

International CambridgeJunior UniverNursery Schools are bilingual full-time nursery schools with extra-curricular programmes devised by Linguistics School-Lyceum and Cambridge Language Assessment in Russia. The curriculum is tailored to developing the variety of skills needed to prepare 2 – 7 year-old pre-schoolers either for schools specializing in the English language or for schools where tuition is conducted entirely in English.

The main concept of UniverNurseries is based on the generally accepted and most effective international education and child care methods for pre-schoolers as well as methods developed by Linguistics School-Lyceum and Cambridge Language Assessment Centres in Russia.

The total-immersion method provides children with the wonderful opportunity to absorb the English language in a natural environment. To this end, we have at our disposal a team of highly qualified native speaking course designers for pre-school education and a team of highly qualified teachers who know British and Russian methods of pre-school education. Our UniverNurseries use Camrbidge Language Assessment’s international curriculum for pre-school children.

More info

Life at Cambridgejunior

Spring day

Spring day

Chess in chastnyj detskij sad v Solncevo

Chess in chastnyj detskij sad v Solncevo

New year market

New year market

New Year!

New Year!



New education year

New education year

Why us?


UniverNurseries are affiliated with Linguistics School-Lyceum and Cambridge Language Assessment Centre in Russia.


Warm and caring atmosphere makes children feel at home and unlock their talents.


Our groups are limited to 10 children thus enabling us to give maximum attention to each child.


Rich curriculum lessons are held in a homely and creative atmosphere. The total-immersion method provides children with the wonderful opportunity to absorb the English language in a natural environmen


Cleverly and beautifully designed and truly fairytale interiors are spaces specially created for children.


UniverNurseries’s areas are 24-hour secure areas. Video surveillance equipment enables keeping track of what is currently happening in the UniverNursery.


Five delicious daily meals are provided by a certified child nutrition company. Each child has an individual nutrition plan.


Full medical support for children: daily medical examination by our in-house nurse and comprehensive medical supervision by our pediatrician.


Our Teaching Staff are native speakers, certified specialists and authors of education methods for pre-schoolers as well as qualified teachers who know British and Russian methods of pre-school educat